BBC selected Yachtsailing.gr to cover the news on Greek Tourism and hosted this information and interview in BBC NEWS and in BBC official website on 05/04/2021
We were happy to welcome BBC’s main reporter Mrs. Bethany Bell and Mr. Moose Cambell, onboard “Casino Royale” and we had the chance to discuss the situation regarding Greek tourism this summer in relation to the COVID 19 pandemic. We had the chance to debrief how last year affected most businesses of our industry and what were the steps taken to operate in this transitional period.
There is no doubt that, despite the fact Greece performed remarkably well during 2020, businesses faced an unprecedented course of events extremely difficult to handle. We had the chance to point out how we managed to overcome many obstacles having the health of our guests as a top priority.
Regarding the season to follow we were happy to comment that we see light at the end of the tunnel, after preparing in ‘full speed’ during winter time and we are here to welcome all guests as per the announcements of our ministry of Tourism, on 14th of May 2021.
As spoken to Mrs. Bell we are and we will be ready to welcome our loyal customers to provide them the best onboard services and experience the most memorable sailing vacation.
A warm thank you to BBC News for selecting us for the cover of their article and video and especially to BBC reporter Bethany Bell who gave us the opportunity to talk for various topics re Greek Tourism, as well as Mr. Moose Cambell for filming the interview.
We really enjoyed our conversation and hopefully we will meet again soon under better conditions when COVID-19 will be an unpleasant memory.